SP-MORRY第6弾シングル「摩天楼 -MATENRO-」

摩天楼 -MATENRO-を聴く!! 【YouTubeより配信中】
★Catch Copy・・・欲と羨望が渦巻く大都会の夜の闇を退廃感溢れるサウンドで表現! これが「影のアンビエントミュージック」だ!!
★Genre・・・Neo Ambient Music-退廃的曲
摩天楼 -MATENRO-はSP-MORRYベストアルバムに収録!!
楽曲「摩天楼 -MATENRO-」はSP-MORRYベストアルバム「hybrid digital muZic」に収録されております♪ 1曲からでも購入可能です。
摩天楼 -MATENRO-楽曲解説
├Manipulate the instrument is SP-MORRY
├Composer is SP-MORRY
├Mix by SP-MORRY
├In a word・・・脳細胞を刺激する音楽
├Music genre・・・影のアンビエントミュージック
├Record Label・・・ビートオールレコード
※↓music jacket
MATENRO commentary in english (海外向け解説)
It is a "MATENRO" is music in terms of the sound full of decadent sense of the darkness of the night of the big city that envy and greed swirling.
Rhythm sound is repeated to pelting mechanically,
Loop of piano melody echoing as if melting into the darkness,
Tone of the sax blaring as howling of wolves,
It is as if they were realities of the music, the worldly desires abysmal human wriggling into the darkness of the night of the city like.
Please Experience the new sound that should could call the "ambient music of Shadow" which was expressed as heavy fog dark, the human desire swirling tonight in the big city.
*Produced by SP-MORRY
- Manipulate the instrument is SP-MORRY
- Composer is SP-MORRY
- Mix by SP-MORRY
- Comment ---- Provides sound to stimulate the brain cells.
- Category ---- Neo Ambient Music
- Record Label ---- BEATALL RECORD
Copyright "SP-MORRY" all rights reserved.